
Songs To Keep Me “Into The Next Night”

My roses are completely dry. Dried roses become brittle, but still beautiful. 
So I want to reuse them to decorate my room.

I started getting interested in J-Rock, and  listening to Yura Yura Teikoku recently.

Yura Yura Teikoku are really cool. They have a great unique sound and their music videos are awesome.

Raymond Pettibon’s logo for his brother’s band-Black Flag, is pretty darn good.
 I also like the cover of Sonic Youth’s Goo.
I wear Black Flag parody t-shirt by 4 Star Clothing. 


Harder Better Faster Stronger

My fashion wish list:
First on my list is Mark Gonzales X Adidas skateboarding sneakers. And I must have it.
Then I really want a Levi's vintage western shirt,
and TOGA jacket.
I’m sure my DOGTOWN cap definitely matches them very well.


Youth, Money, Honor, And Long Hair

"Lords Of Dogtown" is one my favorite film. 
This film based on the true story of the Z-Boys in the early 70's.
I also enjoy the soundtracks by Jimi Hendrix,
 Iggy Pop, Neil Young, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Rod Stewart…
As good as film.

Under the influence of this film, 
I've recently become interested in exploring 1970s fashions.
I bought vintage Levi's 517, as the same style as Z-Boys. 
I like wearing my CARVEN rider jacket over a white t-shirt with vintage Levi's 517.


Baby Baby Baby

My birthday presents.
An antique 1960s gold metal & bone bracelet.
And 1970s pendant top.


No Other Girls As Good As Me

Last night I went to see a Korean photographer’s talk-show at Place M. Gallery in Shinjuku. 
Even all of her works were based on sexuality, 
it was interesting to see things from girl's point of view.
90’s style photo is popular in Korea, 
because of Korean photographers always quest for their own originality.  
But on the other hand,
some young Japanese photographers always have no concept behind their works
 and without freedom mind.

I'm thinking of wearing Lakai Pico skate shoes with GIRL SKATEBOARD cap , 
trying to dress like a 90's teenager 
and getting into GIRL SKATEBOARD 'MOUSE' mood!